I've been burning cd's for my clients from PM with no problems till a couple of weeks ago. Then they complained the cd's I sent them were 'locked', and they had to seek help from a specialist to unlock and use the files.
I shot jpegs+raw. Used the jpeg and saved as a tiff. Then from the file menu clicked burn cd. The result seemed OK to me, but I've tried again today, and I get 'read only' cd.
I'm using a Mac, 10.4.11, and PM I took todays cd to a neighbour with a pc. He could open cd, and drag tiffs to his desktop, but the info was 'read only'.
Where/how can I make cd's read and write?
At the moment I can get around the problem by exporting to a folder then burning cd using Toast.
But its not as efficient as doing it straight from PM.