Opening the new installed beta I was asked to tegister PM. no problem on my Notebook, but my PC has no internet connection. Do I have to phone from Germany after every update from now???
No, you shouldn't have to do that after each update. The only things that would require that would be entering a new registration, or data loss of the registration information on your computer.
I´m not amused
Funny thing: After cancelling the regristration window (I am a registred user) PM opens and works as nothing happened. What is all that good for?
Sounds like a bug.
What is it for? To stop the massively rampant piracy of Photo Mechanic that pervades the Internet. This piracy costs us money not only in lost sales, but also in support costs. You see many people who pirate Photo Mechanic actually post on our forums, call us on the phone for technical support, and email us with questions. We know that this may be an inconvenience for our paying customers when one does not have an Internet connection, but a phone call will take care of it. We'll look into making this process available via a web form so that you can use another computer with an internet connection to authenticate your computer that has no Internet connection.