Using the latest beta ( on my Mac Pro (10.5.4) together with Nikon Capture NX2, I've run into two issues with the labelling and rating system used by both. I can reproduce the following cases (colour classes use a matching scheme, of course):
Label/Colour Class issueTake image with label and rating set in PhotoMechanic. Good thing is, NX2 sees both the label and the rating correctly!
* Change the label/colour class in NX2 to something else. This change gets through to PM all right.
* Change the label/colour class in NX2 to none. Suddenly the colour class in PM is the one we started-out with. This is wrong.
Note: Not performing the first bit doesn't matter; setting the class to none does not get reflected in either case.
Note: If the colour class has not been set by PM to something other than none, the updates in NX2 get through fine.
Rating issueRatings have a similar issue.
* Change the rating in NX2, change comes through fine in PM.
* Change the rating in PM to something else (not none), this change comes through fine in NX2.
* Change the rating to none in PM. Now the change does not come through in NX2, it reverts back to what you set it to in NX2 in the first place.
Note: not performing the second step has no influence on the problem; setting the rating to none in PM does not get through to NX2.
Note: I think this problem has to do with the "Rating Percent" field in the XMP written by NX2, but not understood/updated by PM.
Hope this helps you to solve these (minor) issues. If you have further questions, or want me to perform some more tests, please just give me a shout