I am experiencing a really strange problem. I do all the captioning in Photo Mechanic and upload the photos to our image bank. All the captions in portrait photos are visible (I have applied the "hard-rotation" to the JPEGs) but landscape photos won't show the caption UNLESS I do the hard-rotation to them (turning them to portrait position and back to landscape).
I am using Photo Mechanic in OS X 10.5.4. The captions do work when applied with Fotostation and they also are in the file when you download them from our image bank. The system just cannot read them without hard-rotation. Is there anything I can do to fix the problem except hard-rotating every photo?
One addition: I have a batch in Photoshop with crop function and it's based on landscape photos. When I edit the photos, the portrait ones are in landscape orientation. If I edit a portrait photo "manually" and save it as a portrait orientation, no captions are displayed either.