I rename my images during ingest with {year4}-{month0}-{day0} ={model}=_{frame4}, where "=" is used as delimiter character for code replacement. For instance, with this scheme DSC_3589.NEF becomes 2009-02-24 D90_3589.NEF instead of the longer 2009-02-24 NIKON D90_3589.NEF.
However, there is a problem with the D90 video files with this naming scheme; they end up named like for instance 2009-02-24 ==_3589.avi. Missing code problem?
OK, the new feature in PM 4.6 with a default replacement string for missing codes in Code Replacements should fix that, I thought. So I put D90v in the box for Default replacement, and tested this by renaming a video file by using the same renaming string as at ingest (see above). It did not work. ={model}= still showed as == instead of D90v.
Is there a bug or have I misunderstood the use of the default replacement string?
PS. Running WinXP Pro SP3, PM 4.6