I would love to have the ability to have color codes or some other distinguishing feature be automatically applied to photos on a contact sheet to clearly identify different file types at a glance. For example, have all RAW files have a Yellow border, and all JPEGS have a green border.
While I can see a reason for you wanting this, it is not a straightforward thing to ask for. First of all there are very many file formats, how big do you need the colour scheme to be, and what colour to apply to what file type, etc. I guess this could be made configurable, but that will be quite a lot of work I guess.
In the meantime you can of course sort by file type to ease identifying the type of file.
Even better would be to make a general code change that would allow the user to map any desired variable to the existing color classes. Lots of useful things could be done if this were possible. For example, all photos with ISO = 3200 might show up red if desired, or everything with a particular lens blue, etc. I believe this flexibility would add to the value of the product.
Phew, this is a feature that sounds great on paper, but how is this going to work in practice?
Perhaps a way this could be implemented is to allow the user to set the colour class and rating in the iptc stationary via an entry box. The content of the entry box should then result in a value between 0 and 5 for the rating and 0 and 8 for the colour class. This way you could use code replacements to get the results you want. E.g., \LT{lt}\ to set the colour class to match the lens used. A code replacement for the lens should then of course exist, resulting in a number between 0 and 8.
Sorry, but I would not see this a a real important feature though and think Kirk et al currently have more important things on their mind (like the catalogue functionality).
It would also be nice to have a new variable for "has_been_edited" which would be true/false, which would also map nicely to a color class.
How is PM going to determine if a file was edited for sure?
Anyway, you can achieve this (in a way) by using the variable {software}, this will show you what software (or the camera) last touched a file.