I use a Canon G10 camera as my compact one and it seems not to have a serial number showing up with {snum} variable. I don't know if it is a bug or a feature, but it would help my workflow a lot it it could be handled to PM return a value for it since I put a body identifying letter into my filenames (with code replacements derived from the /{snum}/ variable) but in this case I only get the replacement delimiters and cannot set up the replacement correctly.
Is it possible to at least have an option to replace a given string if a variable doesn't give back any value? If this camera model doesn't allow to get serial number from the image files then say {snum}=nil making it possible to have a codereplacement /{snum}/ be used to put an X (or any other stuff) be used to mark which of my cameras took the picture (or to show it cannot be determined but my filenaming system wouldn't be disrupted by this error.