So if this feature were to act like a "Live Ingest", copying to a destination, renaming, and applying IPTC Stationery, followed by a high resolution display of the photos, then that would be pretty ideal?
Hello all. I'm new to the forums but glad to have found them.
Kirk I want to thank you from the start for helping create such a great piece of software and keeping it updated. You not only make our jobs easier, but give other development teams something to shoot for, especially in the efficient workflow / previewing category.
Regarding tethered shooting (presume it could be wireless also, which is the way we'd do it most likely), the features you describe would be pretty much perfect for a lot people I suspect. The studio I work for shoots D2x (probably will get a FF Canon system to augment), and MF digital. While camera control is much more important for the latter, it's not that important for DSLR work IMO because the cameras themselves require much less attention than MF systems.
What's important is being able to cut wasted time out of the image selection and categorization workflows. I wouldn't necessarily make the slideshow part automatic (an option more like), but being able to show clients what their shots are looking like, making small adjustments, getting rid of mediocre shots or miscues -all right away- would be quite useful. During a shoot there is usually at least one pair of idle hands from time to time; that person man's the workstation or laptop, paying attention to remove the bad files, set aside great ones for a final post-shoot slideshow, etc.
What I envision is a three-panel window, where thumbnails appear down the left-hand panel, as their transfer completes... a thin exposure metadata and camera connection status strip across the bottom (not resizable), and a large preview panel in the middle. Options for the thumbnail panel would include size, icon vs. list view, etc.
The preview panel can either remain static on the most recent image previewed, or it can slowly progress through every thumbnail as they become available. I think it would also be useful to move things to the trash straight from the thumbnail panel, or use a "Move to" command to place them in another shoot folder for final presentation for example.
So let's say shot 200 was just transfered, the preview generates and up it goes. In slideshow mode, it stays up for a predetermined duration (user definable between 1 and 20 seconds let's say), then moves on to the next image. Slideshow options besides duration would include preview size (by virtue of the left panel being able to resize left and right), background grayscale, and maybe a couple simple transitions (crossfade and slide in/out would make the most sense IMO).