p.s. How can a Contact Sheet contain photos from more that one drive? By ?
I think it isn't entirely correct. "Open Folder and Sub-Folders" opens a folder and all of its subfolders in a contactsheet but in most of the cases sub folders are on the same drive as their parent folder (with some exceptions of course).
The correct answer to the question is the part after the above piece "Open in
current contact sheet".
However I am courious does it work with a hierarchy (folder with subfolders) in one step as well? There is only the option ...open in new contact sheet or ...open replacing current contact sheet. But neither seems to me being an "add their content to the current contact sheet".
And more to thet the ...open replacing current contact sheet seems not to work in the case when I allready have the parent folder opened in the contact sheet but I would need its subfolders in it as well (which often can happen I think). In situations like this I keep receiveing the error message "One or more of the folders in the subfolder scan are already open as a contact sheet. Operation cancelled." But yes I know the parent folder is allready open that is why I want to replace it with the contents of the same folders added with its subfolders. Isn't it what replace is meant for? If not than how should I understand the word "replace" function here?