Autocomplete is not working "find" or "path" fields of the structured keyword panel.
True. They do not participate in Autocomplete currently.
That's disappointing. Is is a possible and likely feature
In the Autocomplete settings panel, I have the option of using a text file source. How can I use the text file for my CV? Where is that file located (Mac)?
There is no option to use the words in the Structured Keywords panel/dialog for Autocomplete. You can export a copy anytime you like by using the 'Save' button and saving to a filename of your choice.
I tried that, but I guess because it did not work in the two fields I wanted it to I assumed it was not working at all.
With the IPTC edit window open, I cannot open the structured keyword panel. If I open the structured keyword panel in contact sheet view, the structured keyword panel covers the images I want to see.
You can bring up the Structured Keywords dialog (note: not the panel version that you've been describing so far) from the popup menu to the right of the Keywords field.
I see that now. Yet there is no quick-key for the Structured Keywords dialog there either. And, that panel must then be collapsed before I can move on to another image.
I also cannot use the structured keyword panel in preview mode. Is that right? How does one view images whilst using the structured keyword panel?
From the IPTC dialog in the Preview window, just like I described above.
I see. Just cannot continue to keep the Structured Keywords dialog open past the first image OR bring the dialog up again using keys. "That's some catch, that catch 22."
Once I have my keywords in the path/keyword field, I can enter them w/ spacebar (awkward since most other Mac software uses the return-key for "enter"). At this point most Mac-UI software would highlight the next obvious button ("apply collection to selected") or allow you to tab there direcrtly, or allow you to option or command-tab to another logical step. Like back up to the find field to start another path...
Spacebar? I don't follow what you're describing.
Sorry, I am still talking about the large CKW panel opened using option+command+K... In that window, I can TAB from the keyword/path field to the Add Path or Add Keyword buttons on the right. Either button can be "pressed" by hitting the space-bar rather than the return-key. It's a minor nit to pick, but it seems inconsistent within PM as well as the Mac UI overall. Just pointing it out.
Tab through? The TAB key doesn't change image selection in the contact sheet. Use the mouse.
"Key-though" is perhaps a better description. Use a key or quick keys or arrow to move from image to image during the KW process. Like using command+] in the IPTC info panel...
[The daily-news guys] probably use the mouse to operate it if they use Structured Keywords at all. Usually editors do all of the keywording...
Another poor example on my part. Let's say "long suffering, internless freelance photogs with more time on their hands than ever to finally start efficiently keywording their catalogs for stock."
Thawley – who proofread this post while my wife and daughter were trying to get me out the door. Sorry in advance if I've just added to the confusion...