Author Topic: bug report - only search contact sheet items not working  (Read 3292 times)

Offline sunlit

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bug report - only search contact sheet items not working
« on: September 27, 2009, 10:19:53 AM »
Mac OS 10.5.7
when using quick search there is a scenario when the option "only search contact sheet items" is not applied, despite being checked.
steps -
1. Bring up the search window by using Menu-Search
2. enter search criteria: Filename-Contains- leave the field blank to search for all files, and limit search to just one folder WITH SOME SUBFOLDErS - typical scenario to find all images in a given folder plus its subfolders.
3. perform the search - result: it works as expected and opens a contact sheet with all the images in the given folder plus its subfolders.
4. Now in quick search field enter some further search criteria, e.g. filename, and hit enter (while keeping the option "only search contact sheet items" checked as it is by default
result - the search is performed on all folders, not just on the given contact sheet items, DESPITE the option engaged.

P.S. When searching a contact sheet just representing one folder, and not search results, the option works as expected.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: bug report - only search contact sheet items not working
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2009, 07:08:47 PM »
Mac OS 10.5.7
when using quick search there is a scenario when the option "only search contact sheet items" is not applied, despite being checked.
steps -
1. Bring up the search window by using Menu-Search
2. enter search criteria: Filename-Contains- leave the field blank to search for all files, and limit search to just one folder WITH SOME SUBFOLDErS - typical scenario to find all images in a given folder plus its subfolders.
3. perform the search - result: it works as expected and opens a contact sheet with all the images in the given folder plus its subfolders.
4. Now in quick search field enter some further search criteria, e.g. filename, and hit enter (while keeping the option "only search contact sheet items" checked as it is by default
result - the search is performed on all folders, not just on the given contact sheet items, DESPITE the option engaged.

P.S. When searching a contact sheet just representing one folder, and not search results, the option works as expected.

It is a known issue.  It is fixed in the upcoming 4.6.2 release.
