Hi Kirk
The data is still visible in Photoshop Elements 8 under several of the File Info tabs but has disappeared from Photo Mechanic- see screen shots below! (I installed this data to the image in Photo Mechanic initially, before opening it in Photoshop Elements 8 and also in Picture Window Pro 5.0) Incidentally, this is the image I used as a test to see what was happening- the fault had already occurred with the other images I had been captioning earlier in the day....
Here is the Photo Mechanic IPTC window which should have(and did have!) entries for description, keyword, object name etc<br>

. Here is the description tab when opened in Elements 8<br>

Here is the PITC tab from the same photoshop elements 8 File info tab:<br>

and finally here is the properties window when the image is viewed in Picture Window Pro 5.0 <br>

In short, all the data is still there but Photo Mechanic can no longer see it.............