I sent a zip file to you at <your email address>. The files were installed in a folder that was inside the same folder shown in file preferences next to user HTML templates (as the PDF suggested). I used Dreamweaver to make some edits to quote marks pasted from the PDF. I could not find a folder in my installation of PM that supplied these files. Some may have had the same filename, but as I recall the content appeared to be different than that shown in the PDF so I simply made edits rather than open yet another can of worms.
I'm not sure what you're using to make quote characters in the ui.rb file but they're definitely not quotes:
colorbutton(:background_color, ìBackground color:î, :value=>ì000000î)
colorbutton(:text_color, ìText color:î, :value=>ìA0A0A0î)
colorbutton(:nav_text_color, ìNav text color:î, :value=>ì183F00î)
colorbutton(:nav_link_color, ìNav link color:î, :value=>ì99A700î)
colorbutton(:nav_hover_color, ìNav hover color:î, :value=>ìFFFFFFî)
This would work better:
colorbutton(:background_color, "Background color:", :value=>"000000")
colorbutton(:text_color, "Text color:", :value=>"A0A0A0")
colorbutton(:nav_text_color, "Nav text color:", :value=>"183F00")
colorbutton(:nav_link_color, "Nav link color:", :value=>"99A700")
colorbutton(:nav_hover_color, "Nav hover color:", :value=>"FFFFFF")