Author Topic: Photos without GPS data  (Read 3750 times)

Offline devenh

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Photos without GPS data
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:28:18 AM »
When importing GPS coordinates, PM matches 738 out of 775 photos.  When I click "Import GPS Coordinates," the Progress dialog says setting coordinate "xxx of 775," so it looks like PM is setting the coordinates for ALL of the files, even for the ones that don't match.  This seems to be confirmed by the fact I can use the "Select Photos with GPS" menu option and it selects all 775.

Is there any way to select the 37 images where a GPS match failed?

Using 4.6.1 Windows 7 64 bit Home Premium.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Photos without GPS data
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 06:42:37 AM »

When importing GPS coordinates, PM matches 738 out of 775 photos.  When I click "Import GPS Coordinates," the Progress dialog says setting coordinate "xxx of 775," so it looks like PM is setting the coordinates for ALL of the files, even for the ones that don't match.  This seems to be confirmed by the fact I can use the "Select Photos with GPS" menu option and it selects all 775.

Is there any way to select the 37 images where a GPS match failed?

It shouldn't be adding GPS coordinates to photos that didn't match.  The progress dialog is a bit misleading, I suppose, but basically it is running through the 775 photos, applying GPS coordinates to the ones that matched, and skipping any of those that didn't match.  If a photo didn't match and already had GPS coordinates, it doesn't remove them.

Had you already applied GPS coordinates to the photos that didn't match?


Offline devenh

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Re: Photos without GPS data
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 07:21:55 AM »

I'm working with NEF files which originally had no GPS data.  I am importing data from a Garmin.  PM 4.6.1 is putting in North 0 degrees, East 0 degrees into the unmatched GPS coordinates images, so I suppose this is why Edit | Select Images with GPS selects them (i.e. they have a non null GPS entry).  Don't you think PM should leave the GPS blank/null?

I can find all the "unmatched" images by sorting on latitude.  Is there any way to remove the North 0, East 0 coordinates?


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Photos without GPS data
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 07:26:22 AM »

I'm working with NEF files which originally had no GPS data.  I am importing data from a Garmin.  PM 4.6.1 is putting in North 0 degrees, East 0 degrees into the unmatched GPS coordinates images, so I suppose this is why Edit | Select Images with GPS selects them (i.e. they have a non null GPS entry).  Don't you think PM should leave the GPS blank/null?

I can find all the "unmatched" images by sorting on latitude.  Is there any way to remove the North 0, East 0 coordinates?

No.  PM 4.6.2 shouldn't do that (if it didn't solidly lockup when you tried to use it.) should definitely not do that, leaving the unmatched images untouched.
