Author Topic: Filename renaming error -- only occurs in secondary destination  (Read 3818 times)

Offline crunge

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Filename renaming error -- only occurs in secondary destination
« on: December 17, 2009, 01:04:11 PM »
I'm running Photo Mechanic on Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Intel).

When ingesting new photos, I am running into what I think is a bug that only occurs to photos copied into the secondary destination.

Ingest is setup as follows:
1. Copy Photos into folder with name
2. Folder Name: {year4}/{year4}_{iseq}
3. Use folder sequence: 001
4. Rename Ingested Photos As: CJR_{year4}_{iseq}_{frame4}

Photos ingested into the Primary Destination are ingested and renamed properly, e.g., CJR_2009_001_0670.NEF

However, the first photo of each ingest session is improperly named in the secondary destination, e.g., what should be CJR_2009_001_0670.NEF is instead named CJR_2009_0_0670.NEF. The remaining photos in the secondary destination are all renamed properly; it is only the first photo that experiences this problem.

Any thoughts?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Filename renaming error -- only occurs in secondary destination
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 02:10:41 PM »
I'm running Photo Mechanic on Mac OS X 10.6.2 (Intel).

When ingesting new photos, I am running into what I think is a bug that only occurs to photos copied into the secondary destination.

Ingest is setup as follows:
1. Copy Photos into folder with name
2. Folder Name: {year4}/{year4}_{iseq}
3. Use folder sequence: 001
4. Rename Ingested Photos As: CJR_{year4}_{iseq}_{frame4}

Photos ingested into the Primary Destination are ingested and renamed properly, e.g., CJR_2009_001_0670.NEF

However, the first photo of each ingest session is improperly named in the secondary destination, e.g., what should be CJR_2009_001_0670.NEF is instead named CJR_2009_0_0670.NEF. The remaining photos in the secondary destination are all renamed properly; it is only the first photo that experiences this problem.

Sounds like a bug.  We'll look into it.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Filename renaming error -- only occurs in secondary destination
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 11:29:03 AM »
However, the first photo of each ingest session is improperly named in the secondary destination, e.g., what should be CJR_2009_001_0670.NEF is instead named CJR_2009_0_0670.NEF. The remaining photos in the secondary destination are all renamed properly; it is only the first photo that experiences this problem.

We were able to reproduce this bug and have fixed it.  The fix will appear in the next beta (and final release)
