Hello Kirk,
PM is always evolving and its great. The integration with PhotoShelter is a real godsend!
There is always space to evolve; I believe keywording is one of them and adopting IPTC Core is another very welcome evolution to PM; I'm anxiously waiting for the next version to see what you guys are working on!
Besides of those; the biggest issue I have with PhotoMechanic in almost all of my jobs is related to colour classes and tags.
They are great but I have and I believe a lot of people also have a necessity for a multi-level class system.
For example: one of the most comon thing at the end of a work day is selecting the top picks. I can do it with colour classes with no problems but after that, I have to select the images that will be sent to a magazine editor; then the images that need to be sent to the general press manager of the event, and its not uncommon to have to make 5 or 6 different selections besides those of the best pictures.
Nowadays, I always loose my selection of top picks at the end. A common workflow goes like this: I have to first select the picks for the editor and send them. Then I select the ones for the press; I send them; I do selections to everyone I have to send something and at the end, I'm too weared-out and go to sleep; that means that when I wake-up early in the mourning on the next day, I totally missed my selection of top picks and at the end of the job I won't have time to do it again...
I love having colour classes for selecting my best images; maybe even two levels of colour classes would be better; but it would be great to have some other inteligent system for doing all the different types of selection we have to do every day at work...
iTunes playlists are a great idea for example! After selecting your top picks; You drag the pictures you choose for the editor to the "playlist" Editor; the ones for press to the "playlist" press and the ones you took from the fellow photographer that was clicking by your side you just drag them to his own "playlist"!!!
Playlists are just an idea but some kind of solution is a real necessity I believe for a lot of people!
Think about it, I'm sure it would be a most welcome addition! I can help you with ideas if you want.
Best wishes!
Theo Ribeiro