I am using PM 4.6.3 on Windows XP SP3
I have a Stationery Pad that defines this expression to process the filename "donation2010_DEP03_05.tif"
{filenamebase:-13,4} Donations Deposit {filenamebase:-5,2} Page {filenamebase:-2,2} and this, when applied, results in a caption of
2010 Donations Deposit 03 Page 05Works great, so I do the same for the keywords:
Clinic, {filenamebase:-13, 2}, deposit_{filenamebase:-5,2}, DEPOSIT{filenamebase:-5,2}, donation, Page_{filenamebase:-2,2}, SMCORGand I expect the keywords:
Clinic, 2010, deposit_03, DEPOSIT03, donation, Page_05, SMCORGinstead I get
Clinic, 20, deposit_05-04, SMCORGand, reopening the Stationery Pad shows the expression:
Clinic, {filenamebase:-13, 2}, deposit_{filenamebase:-5, DEPOSIT{filenamebase:-5, donation, Page_{filenamebase:-2}, SMCORGNote how the 2nd arg for {filenamebase:-5,2} and the closing brace have been removed; this wrecks the expression.
Any time the Pad is saved, this corruption occurs. Save... and Load..., or even saving it to a snapshot causes the expression to change. If I select an image, open Stationery Pad, fix the expression, and press "Apply to selected", it works - once. A second time fails and opening the Stationery Pad to inspect it reveals the corrupted expression.
There is a related topic at
http://forums.camerabits.com/index.php?topic=4999.0, but this related to changing a colon into a pipe character, a defect fixed in 4.6.3. The pipe is fixed; the above issue happens in both 4.6.3 and
It is weird that only these specific expressions are messed up. Am I missing a setting somewhere?