Author Topic: Windows-NO Launch when Disc inserted option  (Read 6055 times)

Offline DonShreve

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Windows-NO Launch when Disc inserted option
« on: August 12, 2006, 10:04:17 PM »
I have both Mac & Windows versions, the option to launch PM automatically isn't listed in PM's Launch tab in the Windows version, but it is in the Mac.
I can't get Windows to lauch PM when I put in the CF card. I've gone in to the CF card's Properties-Autoplay tab (In Windows) & told it to open PM when the CF card is inserted, but it never does it. Repeated tries, restarts.
Running Windows XP, newest version of PM.

ALSO, PM always crashes on quit with Windows. The crash reporter says I'm using BETA, but the software update says I have the most recent version...

Quess this explains why the manual only shows Mac examples.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Windows-NO Launch when Disc inserted option
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 10:53:54 PM »
I have both Mac & Windows versions, the option to launch PM automatically isn't listed in PM's Launch tab in the Windows version, but it is in the Mac.

That's true and is expected because Windows doesn't use Image Capture to launch applications when Camera disks are inserted.  Windows uses AutoPlay instead.

Quote from: DonShreve
I can't get Windows to lauch PM when I put in the CF card. I've gone in to the CF card's Properties-Autoplay tab (In Windows) & told it to open PM when the CF card is inserted, but it never does it. Repeated tries, restarts.
Running Windows XP, newest version of PM.

AutoPlay is one of the worst technologies that Microsoft has ever offered.  It is extremely complex and very unreliable.  We have several machines at our office that have never been able to do AutoPlay properly.

Quote from: DonShreve
ALSO, PM always crashes on quit with Windows. The crash reporter says I'm using BETA, but the software update says I have the most recent version...

The crash on exit affects some of our customers and is completely benign in that it causes no data loss.  However it is annoying.  We know about the problem and are working hard to fix it.

The Crash Reporter that was shipped with was not updated to remove the BETA message.  This has since been corrected.  If you like, you can download the installer again.  It will not, however, stop the crash on exit problem.  This will require a fix on our part and we will release it as soon as we know that the problem has been completely fixed.



P.S. Don, if you're going to post a public message then please don't post a private message with the same text.  I had to answer your question twice.

Offline Dave Carroll

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Re: Windows-NO Launch when Disc inserted option
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 12:45:38 PM »
Hi Don,

When you insert a CF card does the AutoPlay window open with a list of software handling options? If so, is 'Open or Ingest using Photo Mechanic' listed? If it is, make sure you check the 'Always perform this action' box (can't remember the exact wording, but it's along these lines). If you don't see the AutoPlay dialog, does another application open automatically?

You may want to download TweakUI from MS as it allows you to tinker with the AutoPlay options in more detail that Windows Explorer. If the Photo Mechanic option is not listed you can manually add it using this free app. You can get it here:

I have successfully fixed similar issues using TweakUI before (expand the 'My Computer - AutoPlay - Handlers' node in the menu).


Dave Carroll
« Last Edit: August 14, 2006, 03:23:03 PM by DaveCarroll »