Hi MikeA,
I had the same issue a few months back. Below is my correspondence with DxO and Kirk's advice...
My message to Kirk on September 25, 2009:
I consider this a DxO issue, but thought you might be interested in this issue. I just purchased a Sony A850 camera and am testing DxO for RAW conversion of the Sony files. I have noticed that if I use PM to write metadata to the Sony RAW files, then DxO cannot open them. If I then used PM to remove the metadata (Tools/Delete Metadata), then DxO CAN open them.
I sent the following [email] to DxO:
I am evaluating this software for use with Sony A850 RAW files.
I also use Photo Mechanic (PM) for all metadata tagging. PM has become a crucial part of my workflow and integrates quite well with all my other applications (ie, Adobe Lightroom, Nikon Capture NX2, etc.).
I like DxO so far, but it will not open RAW files from the Sony A850 if those RAW files have first been tagged with metadata using PM.
DxO is able to open RAW files from my Nikon D3 if those RAW files have first been tagged with metadata using PM.
I am wondering if this is something that could be looked at? Why is DxO able to handle Nikon D3 files and not Sony A850 files (when both have been tagged with metadata using PM)?
Compatibility with PM is absolutely necessary in my case. This must be resolved before I am able to purchase DxO.
Thank you.
DxO reply:
Bonsoir Tom,
This would very much depend upon the specific metadata that is being changed by Photo Mechanic in the D3 and A850 Raw files, respectively. and how that EXIF data is used by DxO in processing A850 output files.
Generally speaking, changes made to anything contained in the Makers Notes is critical. And should neber be done.
Also, the A850 files likely have a substantively different EXIF data structure than D3 files. We have had instances where the alteration of a single EXIF tag that is critical to DxO's recognition of the Raw file or something that is used for DxO's computations (functions are not done by Adobe Lightroom, Nikon Capture NX2, etc.) can render the Raw file unrecognizable by DxO or cause errors in it's extensive image corrections.
We would need to see and analyse specific examples to determine the cause in your particular case. If you would be willing to provide such examples of unaltered and written to by PM D3 and A850 Raw files (same metadata changed by PM in both) the D3 and A850 Raw files), we can have a look to see what is causing the problem.
If you would like us to have a look at this problem, please upload two (2) repesentative sample sets of D3 and A850 Raws with and without PM's changes.
You can upload the files to our file server.
Then, please reply to this email to confirm that your data are available on our server for us to look at.
The problem here is that other Sony A850 owners may wish to do the same as you (with software other than PM).
So only if it turns out to be something very simple, will the results provide you with any relief.
There is very good reason why we insist that only directly out-of-camera Raw files be input to DxO.
Kirk's reply to me:
We do not modify the Maker Note data. What we do is relocate the TIFF table from the beginning of the file to the end of the file, add one or more entries for the embedded IPTC and/or XMP data and adjust the TIFF table offset at the beginning of the file to point to the new location. Some software applications do not follow these offsets properly and expect certain data to exist at exact offsets (they ignore the offsets specified in the file.) This causes them problems.
There are two solutions:
1) Get the authors of that software to update their code to follow the offsets.
2) Instruct PM to use an XMP sidecar only workflow so that PM doesn't embed IPTC or XMP.
How it ended up:
DxO was not willing to make any modifications.
I don't like to use sidecar files and I will not give up on PM.
So I replied to DxO that I would not be able to purchase their product.
Hope this helps,