I am having a problem moving photos in PM from one folder to another.
I am running MBP with OS 10.5.8, and PM 4.6.3
With PM open, images are selected on the contact sheet (both RAW and JPEG images and I am viewing RAW and JPEG's as one file)
I then drag the images that are selected to a subfolder of the folder that I am working in.
A few of the images move, then PM locks on me. The abort button does not let me do anything. Clicking the the taskbar to try and force-quit PM does nothing either. The only way to resolve is to power-down the Mac, then start up. This has happened 2 times to me.
Also, the images are NOT on my hard drive, but rather on a WD external. I tried to replicate the problem with images on the hard drive and I could not get it to happen. The only time the problem occurred was when using the WD external.