I might have more than one version of the same photo I have saved in the same Photoshop folder and distinguished them via filename; e.g., 20060820_001_Vacation.tif and 20060820_001_Vacation_B&W.tif for a black and white conversion. Let's also say the folder contains all ..._Vacation.tif files; e.g., 20060820_002_Vacation.tif, ...
I've read the DAM book and am toying with the idea of using a different naming convention. To complicate matters even more, let's say I have deleted some files. I would like to keep parts of the original filenames. I would assume that the sequence number would no longer be accessible, unless filename substrings could be used. I havn't run across that capability in PM.
What are your thoughts on how to approach these issues? Also, I have {filename} as the Object Name. If I rename, will the Object Name be replaced with the new name? (Perhaps I am approaching this in the wrong way.)