Author Topic: {parentfolderpath} variable broken  (Read 4923 times)

Offline SamFrost

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{parentfolderpath} variable broken
« on: July 11, 2010, 02:51:53 AM »
    Changed the evaluation of variables when being used as part of a folder path (e.g. Ingest folder path field) to prevent certain variables such as {date} from creating unwanted nested folders such as year/month/day. This essentially reverts to 4.6.3 behavior in certain circumstances (changing illegal folder name characters to '-') while still allowing nested folders to be created when variables are used in code replacements. When a variable is evaluated before it is used as a code lookup, and when being used to create a path, any illegal folder name characters are now converted to dashes.

The {parentfolderpath} variable seems to be broken as of PM4.6.5, as the "/" characters required to create the folder path are being replaced by dashes instead.  Sorry I didn't find this in the beta.  Is there a possible workaround available?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: {parentfolderpath} variable broken
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2010, 06:57:10 AM »

    Changed the evaluation of variables when being used as part of a folder path (e.g. Ingest folder path field) to prevent certain variables such as {date} from creating unwanted nested folders such as year/month/day. This essentially reverts to 4.6.3 behavior in certain circumstances (changing illegal folder name characters to '-') while still allowing nested folders to be created when variables are used in code replacements. When a variable is evaluated before it is used as a code lookup, and when being used to create a path, any illegal folder name characters are now converted to dashes.

The {parentfolderpath} variable seems to be broken as of PM4.6.5, as the "/" characters required to create the folder path are being replaced by dashes instead.  Sorry I didn't find this in the beta.  Is there a possible workaround available?

No.  Under what circumstances did you find this behavior?


Offline SamFrost

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Re: {parentfolderpath} variable broken
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2010, 11:06:05 AM »
When using Copy to Folder, and the folder being {parentfolderpath}.  A screenshot of my settings is attached.  In 4.6.4 the files are copied to the parent of the folder being viewed, but in 4.6.5 I get a new folder at the root level of the drive, with the name being the path to the parent folder, separated by dashes  (specifically "-Volumes-Archive B-PICTURES B-2010-20100709-").  I'm on OS X 10.6.4.

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