Author Topic: PhotoMechanic beta 3 shows odd error message and doesn't erase CF card  (Read 6259 times)

Offline vasha

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Might be a small bug here - When I ingest my CF cards I get this error message that says "not erasing volume because it contains system files..." - and these are normal CF cards (Trancend, 64 GB/400X and 16GB/300x) out of a Canon MKiii and MKiin. The cards ingest OK and unmount as they are set to do but they fail to erase the volumes, which I have them set to do and the cards have no unusual files on them. I have reformatted the cards a number of times as well.

This is happening on beta three (the beta due to expire March 31st, in case my beta count is off) on a Mac Laptop running OS X 10.6.6 with 4GB RAM and a SSD hard disk.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Kirk Baker

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Might be a small bug here - When I ingest my CF cards I get this error message that says "not erasing volume because it contains system files..." - and these are normal CF cards (Trancend, 64 GB/400X and 16GB/300x) out of a Canon MKiii and MKiin. The cards ingest OK and unmount as they are set to do but they fail to erase the volumes, which I have them set to do and the cards have no unusual files on them. I have reformatted the cards a number of times as well.

This is happening on beta three (the beta due to expire March 31st, in case my beta count is off) on a Mac Laptop running OS X 10.6.6 with 4GB RAM and a SSD hard disk.

Does the card contain any of the following on the root directory of the disk? :

"Program Files"
"Documents and Settings"
"System Folder"

If so, then PM will consider it a likely system disk and will not erase files on the disk.


Offline vasha

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Hey Kirk -- None of those files are on the Compact Flash cards, just an empty miscellaneous folder as with all canons and the DCIM folder with the 100EOS1D folder with standard images inside. And I have reformatted very often, so its doubtful any hidden files could cause this constantly.

Also, I'm ingesting with a Lexar CF/Expressport reader and writing to an SSD drive, in case that's important. 

[attachment deleted by admin]

Offline Kirk Baker

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Hey Kirk -- None of those files are on the Compact Flash cards, just an empty miscellaneous folder as with all canons and the DCIM folder with the 100EOS1D folder with standard images inside. And I have reformatted very often, so its doubtful any hidden files could cause this constantly.

Also, I'm ingesting with a Lexar CF/Expressport reader and writing to an SSD drive, in case that's important. 

They may be invisible to the Finder.  Try using a Terminal window (Applications/Utilities/

Type the following (you can copy and paste if you like) :

ls -alF /Volumes/EOS_DIGITAL

Then press Enter/Return.  Copy and paste the listing back here in your reply.



Offline vasha

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Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back to you!

Here is the result from the terminal:

total 448
drwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff  32768 Mar 14 23:18 ./
drwxrwxrwt@ 5 root   admin    170 Mar 14 23:16 ../
drwxrwxrwx@ 1 vasha  staff  32768 Mar 14 23:16 .Trashes/
-rwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff   4096 Mar 11 18:57 ._.Trashes*
drwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff  32768 Mar 14 23:16 .fseventsd/
-rwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff     38 Mar 11 19:00 .pmingest.dat*
drwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff  32768 Mar 11 15:18 DCIM/
drwxrwxrwx  1 vasha  staff  32768 Mar 11 15:18 MISC/

Offline vasha

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Anything odd in that last post Kirk?

Offline Kirk Baker

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Anything odd in that last post Kirk?

No.  It's puzzling to me why it wouldn't try to erase the card for you given the list of files on the root of your card.

If you'd like, I could build a logging version of the beta for you to find out exactly what it is objecting to.



Offline vasha

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I'd be happy to try it!
Thanks for the quick response!

Offline vasha

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Kirk, I'm getting the same error in beta 4, just FYI...

Offline Kirk Baker

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Kirk, I'm getting the same error in beta 4, just FYI...

No surprise.  No changes were made to that area of the application.  I'll try and get you a logging build later today or over the weekend.

