I apologize for the delay in responding--I was in the field shooting.
I tested with a couple of files, and after moving each of the files into a separate folder and restarting Photo Mechanic, I no longer had issues viewing the files. A single file in a folder always opened and zoomed correctly when first starting Photo Mechanic.
Additional details on the distortion/orientation issue:
- It generally happens when I'm trying to view a file zoomed at 100%--the image will either be rotated 90 degrees and stretched, or will stay pixelated and will not sharpen
- It generally doesn't happen within the first few files that I view
- Often, if the file remains pixelated at 100% zoom, rotating the file 90 degrees will allow the file to sharpen, after which I can rotate the file back and view it correctly. However, when doing this, the file is generally rotated incorrectly if I open it in Bridge and BreezeBrowser. Sometimes the rotation will NOT "un-pixelate" the image; these are the ones I tested as described above.
- If the file is rotated incorrectly and stretched at 100% zoom, rotating the file back will not fix the odd stretched look
- I have never seen the stretched look when the image is zoomed to fit the screen, only at 100%. In general, the pixelated view is not visible when the image is zoomed to fit the screen, although if the rotation "fix" doesn't fix the pixellation, the image remains pixelated when zoomed to fill the screen and has black bars along the long sides of the image.
The key issue for me is that I rely on the 100% zoom to pick the sharpest image from a group, and cull anything that isn't pixel sharp. I'm unable to do this because of the problems in viewing images at 100% zoom; for any given shoot, I run into the display issues fairly quickly. It takes me much longer to review and cull using Bridge or BreezeBrowser (they are much slower and less elegant in quickly moving through images at 100% zoom), so I'm hoping the issue is fixable in Photo Mechanic.