I am using Photo Mechanic 4.5.4 on Mac. I don't see any way to do this--in that or the current version.
[...](and if you try to open several of those with Command-E, it only brings up the RAW processor for the first file, which is not how you would want it to behave).
First, that it opens only the first file in Camera Raw is, if I remember correctly, limitation of Photoshop CS3 Camera Raw, it can only work on one file at a time. You would have to upgrade to at least CS4, where it can open many at once (and allows you to either open all of them as smart objects, or to do individual edits in camera raw to each and every one).
Second, (Kirk, read this as well

as you are on the Mac, you can easily assign any keyboard shortcut you like to every Photomechanic menu item, even from the Droplets submenu. Just go to System Preferences/Keyboard/Keyboard Shortcuts/Application Shortcuts and add PM there, with the exact name of the menu item (or droplet name as it shows in the submenu) and your desired shortcut.