I do photography. I'm used to using Canon's Zoombrowser EX to help me go through a collection of photos and choose which ones are keepers and which are outtakes. However, I have other options that are supposed to be better, including Photo Mechanic 4.5, which I bought a while back, but never used.
I shoot RAW+Jpeg. I do it this way because usually I get sufficient quality from a jpeg and hence do my post processing from it. However, sometimes I can't and then a RAW file offers me more control in Adobe Camera Raw (in Photoshop). I don't want to do any actual editing of images in Photo Mechanic. What I intend to do is go through the set of photos (in jpeg) and assign ratings to all of them. Then I'll make a decision such as "copy all photos rated 4 or 5 to this directory." Those will become my keepers, which I'll edit in Photoshop or PhotoImpact.
Okay, so Photo Mechanic pulls up a thumbnail page of all my images. I can double click on one to get a bigger picture of it. Then the F key gives me a bigger one of it and hitting F again toggles back to the smaller one with the info and the histogram. So I want to use the arrow key to go through each picture one by one and rate it. However, I can't from the large version, or at least I haven't figured out how. If I hit Esc, I go back to the thumbnail page and I can click on and rate each picture. Isn't there some way to rate photos from the large preview? Then once you have, is it possible to have all your pictures given a certain rating copied to a directory.
I'm in Photo Mechanic 4.5 under Windows 7.