The main issue is that you're trying to use two programs (Capture NX2 and Bridge/ACR) that don't handle metadata in the same way. CNX2 only works with embedded XMP and completely ignores XMP sidecar files and moreover needs to have the IPTC Urgency field be re-purposed for the use of color labels. Adobe's apps have various issues when embedded XMP is present and won't update embedded XMP, thus things can get out of sync and do not have the ability to synchronize the label index (no Indexes for Label exist in Adobe's apps!) with the IPTC Urgency field.
So, what are your saying? That my settings as they are are the best and should stay like that?
What I'm saying is that it is difficult to have your cake and eat it too. You could take PM completely out of the picture and just use CNX2 and Adobe applications together and have all sorts of problems.
No, one of the reasons I use PM is because neiter the Capture nor Adobe applications work well for me ... PM does (just wished the two other companies would ask you guys how to do things right). Anyway, what do I need to change. I don't want to screw up more. And if I have to go back and reset color class, ratings, orientation in the OLD files already screwed up, so I will (sometime). I don't want to screw up the at the moment correct ones. And from now on forward, I need a setting that works best (albeit, probably not perfect).
Taking the "General" Tab:
What do I need to change there?
- Changing color labels from descriptiv back to actuall collors (ie "FinalEdit_Originals" to "Green" and so on)?
- Unckeck the 'Synchronize Color Class with IPTC/XMP Urgency field' checkbox? (But then you said NX needs that ... I think based on a previous discussion we had here is why the options in both the "General" and "IPTC/XMP" tabs were set as they are).
And in the "IPTC/XMP" tab:
What do I need to change there?
Please note that there is no way around using NX or CS5, but, as I did for a while until I got a Canon camera, I can start NOT using Bridge again. I believe that where things really get messed up. So setting should be for maximum copadibility and data safety (synchronization).
PM isn't going to delete XMP sidecar files, no matter what your settings are. The most you can do is get PM to load them only as a last resort.
Well, that would be a NEW feature to be added :-)
I don't think we'd ever add a feature that strips XMP sidecar files when PM scans a folder. Recipe for disaster.
LOL ... well, that's me not knowing what would happen ...
So, the green label in PM has to be called "Green", the yellow label "Yellow" and so on?
I always thought the labels are only for ID purposes in PM. Not actually written into the file itself.
Not sure where you got that information. PM must write the label names into the XMP data in order to work with Adobe products.
Hmm, I just thought so as you set the actuall color by a drop down box and the information of this box is actually written, not the field behind where I (thought) one can enter discriptive text. So, nobody told me that, I just assumed (... based on my limited but VERY dangerous knowledge level
Means that the files I sent are from a folder that contains also files that are correct, but were edited at the same time as the files that are wrong.
Honestly, I have no idea. Unless you gave me every single photo in this folder and I had the time to analyze each and every one of them, I couldn't give you a definite answer.
Well, that's out of question ... unless I upload files for a couple of days ... and you find time to look at them all individually.
But as I said, all the files that are already screwed up I am gonna correct again.
IMPORTANT for me now is how to set preferences in the "General" and "IPTC/XMP" Tabs to not screw up more and still can use CaptureNX, ViewNX, CS5 and (if possible in any way) Bridge (if you say it's not possible with Bridge included, I skip Bridge, but the others I need to work with) without screwing up the files that are currently correct.
And, do you think that some of the issues would be helped by updating from version 4.5.4 to the current 4.6.7? I wanted to wait for the next major release, but if you say it IS important to update, I will do (of course I now I missed the special update deal you had earlier this year