Author Topic: 4.5.4, Win7 64 bit: Windows File Explorer context menu doesn't show PM option  (Read 3842 times)

Offline ToastedSpider

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Hi all.

Under WinXP, the Windows File Explorer right click/context menu has an option to launch PM (or add a contact sheet).  It also works under Win7 32 bit.

I just installed PM into Win7 64 bit, and the context window doesn't work.

I reinstalled PM (w/o uninstalling this first) - same problem.

Is there a fix for this?

Many thanks!

Offline Bob Russell

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Hi Jerry,

  Since Photo Mechanic is still a 32 bit application it will not be listed in the W7-64 Choose default program list. Here is what you need to do to add Photo Mechanic. Right click any image file in the Explore window to open the contextual menu. Choose the Open with option. Now select the Choose default program option from the bottom. This will open the open with dialog. Click the Browse.. button at the bottom to open the navigate dialog. This will open on the 64 bit Program Files folder. Go to the C: drive on the left so you can access the Program Files (x86) folder. Now you can open the Camera Bits folder and then the Photo Mechanic 4.6 ( or Photo Mechanic 4.5 folder for PM v4.5.4 ), double click the Photo Mechanic application icon and now Photo Mechanic will be added to the Open with list of applications. I hope this helps.



Offline ToastedSpider

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Thanks, Bob - that helps quite a bit.

I've always suggested that there could/should be a edit box where we can simply paste in a path for PM to open, in addition to what the context menu provides.

There are many times when I have a database with folder paths listed (as text), and I'd love to plunk the path into PM directly.  Instead I have to nav through either PM or through file Explorer to the location with the files, and then use the context menu to open.

When the context menu evaporated under 64 bit, that looked like a less-than-ideal scenario.  At least I can still open PM this way, but it does break my default setting for double-clicking TIF, NEF, and JPG files (normally opened either in PS or in Nikon Capture).

Thanks for the quick help,

Offline pjnlsn

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Old thread, but i had this problem as well on win7 64 bit. thankfully, one can simply add the option to open photo mechanic in a given folder to the explorer context menu by editing the registry

something like: under the key, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell' create a new key called "Open in Photo Mechanic" (or whatever the context menu option should read), then under that create another key called 'Command' and then in that key, change the default value (which will be of type REG_SZ) to the following (with both sets of quotes):

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Camera Bits\Photo Mechanic 5\Photo Mechanic.exe" "%1"

or just use the following *.reg file

Code: [Select]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open In Photo Mechanic]

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\Open In Photo Mechanic\Command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Camera Bits\\Photo Mechanic 5\\Photo Mechanic.exe\" \"%1\""

EDIT: and if photo mechanic's installed somewhere else, change this accordingly, of course

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« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 08:16:06 PM by pjnlsn »