I just started using Photo Mechanic, and I love it! Great product. Here's a suggestion that would really help my workflow when working with HDR photo sets:
It would be great to be able to mark a sequence of photos as an HDR set for further processing. Some useful tools would be:
- Select multiple pictures and mark as HDR set
- Tags, color classes etc. attributed to one of that set automatically gets assigned to the rest of the set
- Move, copy, delete etc. linked for the set. For example: if you move one of the set, the whole set moves
These do sound great but I'd like this extended to encompass any combination of shots. Not only would this be uselful for things like panoramas, but it would also be great to link e.g., the raw original with the TIFF edit… Of course you should have the ability to choose the image that is shown for this "stack" by default.
As a work-around I currently label these "input files" as I call them with label 5 (purple), and actually filter them out from the contact sheet by default. The only problem is that if I update the IPTC of one, I need to remember to do it for the others as well…
Anyway, I'm thinking/hoping that this feature will be in place when cataloguing arrives
- Ingest option to take the filename of the 0 EV compensated shot and use that for the whole sequence, with the filename of each shot now being {Zero EV comp root}_{comp} or {new user defined root}_{comp}
This wouldn't work for HDR shots made in Manual exposure mode though… As you are probably aware of already, you can get close to this behaviour if you make use of the super flexible renaming functionality in combination with snapshots (for your rename string).