Exactly! Which would make this feature even more valuable. Example: You ingest original RAW files to a folder on your hard drive, then generate DNGs of those originals. You now go through the DNGs making all kinds of image adjustments. When finished, you must now apply keywording to both sets of files (original RAW and DNG). Of course, had you done all the keywording on the originals before creating the DNGs, then you wouldn't have this problem. Or would you? How many of us have gone back to a set of images at a later date and applied more keywords and/or modified the keywords? I know I have. And it's a royal pain to have to do it in two places.
Often I'll create DNGs before keywording intentionally, as PM will not display full size versions of the orginal RAW files (the embedded jpg in Sony ARW files is not large enough to judge focus accuracy, for instance).
So rather than going thru the effort of keywording all the originals, I'll create DNGs, toss out all but the keepers, then begin the keywording process (again, to two sets of images).
Being able to copy the keywords from one set of images to another (with identical file names) would be extremely useful!!
But in your example you're already changing the filename from .ARW to .DNG... What constitutes matching filenames? Just the base name? What if other file types are in the folders? Like JPEGs that might have been produced?
Given files in two different folders how would you specify which file to act as the source and which file(s) would act as the destination?
Yes, file base name (sorry, should have been more specific). I would have no problems conforming to that restriction.
Regarding folder, it would be great if PM could prompt the user for one source and one destination folder. Barring that I certainly wouldn't mind putting both sets of files in the same folder where PM would have to prompt me for source and destination file type (extension).