Author Topic: Cropping Question / Support  (Read 2627 times)

Offline wearetherhoads

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Cropping Question / Support
« on: December 03, 2011, 01:17:22 PM »
*Running Photomechanic on 17" MBP 2.6 GHZ i7 with 8gigs of RAM*
*Mac OSX Version 10.7.2*
*Photomechanic Version 4.6.8*

Been a long time user of PM.  Huge fan.  I have a unique scenerio and wanted to see if there was a way to do this within PM.

I am shooting a campaign next week where all the images will end up being cropped into a 1x1 ratio square crop.  Is there a way to quickly and easily have a square crop applied to all of the images as they are being brought in.  We only would need it for preview purposes.  But basically a way so that when the creative director or art director goes to the digital tech, they can quickly get an idea of what the 1x1 crop would look like. 

I know this can be done manually cropping each photo one at a time.

Is it possible to
(A) Have a crop preview instantly applied to all images?

(B) Select all the images and then apply the 1x1 crop to all of them. (avoiding having to draw the crop one at a time)

(c) something else that avoids me having to drag and draw the 1x1 ratio crop on each RAW file preview.

Anyways, simply wanting to find a way to have the images previewing a rough idea of what the 1x1 crop would look like as they come through PM.

Would love to hear your thoughts, input or suggestions.

Chris Rhoads

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Cropping Question / Support
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2011, 03:12:21 PM »

*Running Photomechanic on 17" MBP 2.6 GHZ i7 with 8gigs of RAM*
*Mac OSX Version 10.7.2*
*Photomechanic Version 4.6.8*

Been a long time user of PM.  Huge fan.  I have a unique scenerio and wanted to see if there was a way to do this within PM.

I am shooting a campaign next week where all the images will end up being cropped into a 1x1 ratio square crop.  Is there a way to quickly and easily have a square crop applied to all of the images as they are being brought in.  We only would need it for preview purposes.  But basically a way so that when the creative director or art director goes to the digital tech, they can quickly get an idea of what the 1x1 crop would look like. 

I know this can be done manually cropping each photo one at a time.

Is it possible to
(A) Have a crop preview instantly applied to all images?

(B) Select all the images and then apply the 1x1 crop to all of them. (avoiding having to draw the crop one at a time)

(c) something else that avoids me having to drag and draw the 1x1 ratio crop on each RAW file preview.

Anyways, simply wanting to find a way to have the images previewing a rough idea of what the 1x1 crop would look like as they come through PM.

There is no way to automatically place a crop on each photo.  They have to be drawn manually.
