Author Topic: Window can be made wider, but not taller  (Read 2462 times)

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Window can be made wider, but not taller
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:14:52 AM »
I've using Photo Mechanic for awhile and just downloaded the latest (4/23) Photo Mechanic version 4.6.9 beta. I run Mac OS X 10.6.8 on my Intel-based Mac. I love using Photo Mechanic except for a little bug that I've been meaning to report for months.

When I want to rename a photo, the Rename Photos window pops up. I can drag the lower right corner of the Rename Photos window to make the window wider, but cannot drag it down to make the window taller.
Dragging it down is much more useful than dragging it to the right and should be a relatively simple thing to fix.

Dragging down to make the window taller would allow me to see more Variables in the slide-out Variables window - which would reduce the amount of scrolling up and down to find the ones I want.

Just a quick ballpark guess - based on the default size of the window (which reveals 6 items per screen), you have to click about 40 times to get to the bottom of the list. 40 x 6 = approximately 240 items to scroll through. I love that there are so many options, but it does take some time to find the one(s) I want.

Yes, I can make the bottom part of the window bigger, but then it blocks the explanation/definition of some variables on the top part of the window. Sadly, it doesn't make the window that much bigger. Even if I eliminate the explanation/definition window, the bottom part only reveals at most 9 variables per screen out of the approximately 240 items - still a lot of scrolling.

A window that can be made taller makes it so much easier to find the variable I'm looking for, especially if there are very similar variables right next to each other. (I've made the mistake of picking the wrong one that looked similar to the one I wanted because it was just off the top or bottom of the 6-9 item screen list.)

I already save settings snapshots, but sometimes I just want to use different settings on the fly. Any possibility of fixing this minor bug before the final 4.6.9 release?