Another little issue:
So in customizing the IPTC Stationary I dragged the copyright from COL1 to COL2, but the field went missing from the list, it was in neither column. When I Opened the Stationary pad it was the last field in COL1. I returned to the customizer and it was still not listed in either column. I reset everything and did the set up again, and not sure how, got the edit status field to do the same thing.
After resetting to default (The field then returned) I reloaded the snap shot I had saved while the field was missing, and the field went missing again in the list, but still existed on the Stationary pad.
Attachments show the COL1 bottom being an unused Tag field, but in the stationary the Copyright field still showing up.
Though for future: Also in going back and fourth looking at this, how about adding a modifier to bring up the Customize option from the IPTC Info or Staionary pad, so SHIFT would toggle the Variables to Customize, pop up the Customize window, the Customize OK would save the changes and reload the IPTC Window.
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