Firstly this may be a card reader problem, just wanted to gets some help from the brains on here to work out a logical reason for what happened!
I always use the Erase Source Disk option in the ingest window and had a problem today where I tried to ingest two different CF cards a couple of hours apart containing Canon 1DX RAW CR2 files. Upon putting the cards in the reader, seeing them come up in the ingest window and then starting the ingest. The ingest seemed to start as normal for about a second and then just stopped and the cards were wiped, without ingesting any of the images. So needed to use a disk recovery software to get the images back.
There are so many variables outside of Photomechanic (new camera on old version of PMechanic, maybe dodgy disks, maybe dodgy card reader) as to why this may have happened just wanted to see if anyone has had a similar problem in the past.
I ingested CF Cards with Canon 1DX jpegs on today too and had no problem at all, it was just the 2 disks with the CR2 files. Have ingested Canon 1DX CR2 files before without problem using a different card reader - Sandisk CF USB 2.0 reader, that recently died on me, so I switched to a Belkin Firewire 800 reader.
Variables were:
Photomechanic version 4.6.7
A Delkin Firewire 800 CF card reader (1394b) - have had for a couple of years but this may have been the 1st time to ingest 1DX RAW CR2 files with it.
1 x Sandisk Extreme Pro 16GB 90mbs (had for over a year without problems)
1 x Sandisk Extreme 8GB 60mbs (had for over a year without problems)
Canon 1DX running firmware 0.0.8
Mac Book Pro 13" OSX 10.6.8
Many thanks in advance!