Win 64b PM5b2
Doing my first normal ingest cycle with PM 5 it is crazy slow. JPG's only, applying basic IPTC. 394mb (106 images) took right at 3 minutes. Screenshot of ingest window attached.
Closed and restarted, same speed. Windows Explorer copy of same files (from CF to Disk) took ~15 seconds.
4.6.9 on my second computer took ~15 seconds.
Sent 26 images to Photoshelter, created a new archive to send to, hit enter: Create Archive window did not go away, Upload dialogue popped up and started sending.
Create Archive window remained up while upload was happening and could not close window or access contact sheet while upload was ongoing. Minimizing Upload window, minimized all PM5b2 windows. Ended up having to Force Close. It was behaving like there was a pop up or dialogue I could not see that wanted attention. Screen shot attached.
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