Author Topic: Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Sale Extended!  (Read 11140 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Sale Extended!
« on: August 13, 2012, 04:05:01 PM »
Hello, everyone!

You've waited. You tested the beta. You gave us your feedback. And now….

All of us here at Camera Bits are so excited to announce the sale of the final release of Photo Mechanic: Version 5!

For one week only, you can get for $130 & upgrades for $80. This offer ends 8/20 at 11:59 p.m. So, hop on the website to purchase your copy today and get the discounted pricing.

Finally, let me say, thank you all for your feedback, your suggestions and your loyalty to our company. Our goal is to fulfill your needs with the fastest and best software available in the market today. You are the reason we strive so hard here and we appreciate your business!

-Kirk & the Team at Camera Bits-

Want to purchase a copy of Photo Mechanic: Version 5?
Click Buy at

Questions for our Sales Team?
Don't hesitate to call our Sales Department at +1.503.547.2800 from M-F from 9-5 pm PST.

Questions for our Tech Team?
Feel free to call our Tech Support gurus at  +1.503.547.2888 M-F from 9-5 pm PST.

The new features of Photo Mechanic: Version 5

The new bells & whistles you will enjoy with this latest version include:

Crop: You can rotate to any angle, enter non-integral constrained crop ratios, and they’re now fully compatible with Adobe’s crops so if you use the Adobe Camera RAW plugin and you crop in PM, your crop (exactly the same) will show up in ACR. Rotated crops can be realized in PM via any of the output methods (Save As, Upload, Export, Printing.)
Ingest: The ingest feature now offers an option to Auto Ingest meaning, you setup Ingest and close it, and then when a disk is mounted, it will kick off the Ingest automatically.
IPTC/XMP: Dozens of new fields are now available and you can fully customize the order, label, visibility, and enabled state of the fields. You can also control the height of the multi-line fields. You can do all of this customization in the Accessibility section of the Preferences dialog.
IPTC Stationery Pad: You can now apply Color Class, Rating, and Tag values. You can even use variables and code replacements to perform custom application of these values.
IPTC Info: There is a new button that allows you to save, upload and advance to the next photo all with a single click. No more needing to drop out to the contact sheet to queue up images for transfer.
Movies: Playback and ability to save individual frames out of movies (Mac only for now) from within the Preview window.
Preview: It is now non-modal so you can keep the Preview window open and continue to work in the contact sheet as well. Great for two monitors. You can now have the thumbstrip be horizontal or vertical. There are new options to visualize lost shadow detail and blown highlights. You can now use Info Text snapshots in the Preview so you can quickly switch between sets of Info Text output.
Contact Sheet: There is a new Tasks pane that is the place that all long-running processes will display their progress. Things like Ingest and Upload will display themselves there and you can easily keep an eye on things. Double-clicking on a particular task will bring its associated window forward so you can interact with it.
Sort Caching: Most of the data that PM needs to do sorting of contact sheets is now cached in a database so that when you revisit a folder and you sort by Capture Time, the sort is nearly instantaneous.
Preferences: All preferences data is now stored in a key-value database so loading and saving preferences is nearly instantaneous. No more long lags when you have large keyword lists or other
preferences data and you use a part of the program that has to save preferences before it starts (things like Save As, Copy, Rename, etc. need to save prefs before they start.)
JPEG Image Handling: We have a highly tuned JPEG compressor and decompressor in place which is more than twice as fast as our old implementation. PM5 should feel much faster than PM 4.6.9
when working with JPEG images (or RAWs when PM is set to use the embedded JPEG image instead of rendering the RAW.)

Overall, we aimed for a more professional look-and-feel with more neutral colors for controls with high contrast for high visibility but low interference and color cast to your images.