Kirk. this is from the same thread and what i am referring to.
Thanks Huw
Quote from: Denis on October 13, 2012, 08:54:20 PM
I am running PM latest version (5.0 build 13158) on Windows 7 Ultimate and LightRoom 4.2
Here is my workflow:
- Manually copy files from my CFs cards to a folder on my computer
- Fire up PM and tag pictures I want to keep
- Within PM delete all the pictures that are not tagged
- Close PM, fire up LightRoom
- Import all the pictures in LightRoom
- Do some post processing and delete another bunch of pictures from within LightRoom
- When I am happy with the set of pictures I have and I am done with all the post, close LR and open PM
- Caption all the pictures in PM (caption / headline, etc...)
- Close PM, open LR
- Select all the photos in LR and do a "Read Metadata from file"
After the "Read Metadata from file" is completed all my post changes to the pictures seems wiped... all the pictures are returned to their original state when first imported in LR

Actually the develop history isn't wiped: when I go into the Develop module in LR, an item "From Metada" has been added to the top of the history and when I step back to the item just before (my last develop action before the Read From Metadata action), all the my previous changes are restored.
Which means it is recoverable, but when you have to go and backout one step in the develop module for 300 pictures it's a real pain...
Any suggestions on how to fix this (beside do all the captioning _before_ importing the picture in LR, which would be a pain because I would have to caption a bunch of pictures that I would delete later on.