This would be a toggled feature, as many DON'T want it:
After I assign a color class to a bunch of images, I edit the images in a folder using Photoshop. Sometimes I notice an image is not sharp in Photoshop and don't bother working on the file - just closing it without saving. The ones that I've cropped or adjusted in Photoshop come back to Photo Mechanic with the same color class as the ones that haven't been edited.
The feature I'd like is somehow for PM to strip the Color Class away from the edited ones or maybe assign a different Color Class, keeping the original Color Class on the un-edited ones.
Reason: If I come back to a folder a day later, I can immediately see which ones are left to edit. If I toggle the "Hide Color Class" OFF for the edited ones, I can immediately see where I've left off in editing, and even see which ones to trash after leaving Photoshop. Am I making any sense? My work around has been sorting by Modification Time, with the edited files dropping to the bottom of the Contact Sheet.
Kirk explained why the "stripping feature" was lost in PM5, and I thought I could work around it (and I have) but after months of this, I'd really like to have this back in my workflow.
- Ed.