Author Topic: Export 'PM Classic' using more than one folder as source  (Read 2164 times)

Offline Khatsalano

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Export 'PM Classic' using more than one folder as source
« on: December 13, 2012, 06:14:07 PM »
The PM Classic export template and documentation has an item: "Indexing: Generate hierarchical pages with index. For when using more than one folder as your source." I must be missing something obvious, but I have not been able to determine how to export from multiple sources.  I welcome any pointers about how to do this.

Offline Brandon

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Re: Export 'PM Classic' using more than one folder as source
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2012, 07:20:25 PM »
That line is supposed to read "Generate hierarchical index for contact sheets with multiple folders." Is it different on your screen?

You can add additional folders to your contact sheet by using your navigator to select a folder then Right Click -> Open in current contact sheet