Advanced Code Replacement currently allows multiple values for each replacement. You can specify which replacement you want by adding #number to the request.
For example \code#2\ will be replaced with the second replacement value for "code"
It would be extremely helpful if we could reference values by name, in addition to column number. For instance \code#hometown\ would be replaced with the value from the home town column.
My suggested implementation would be to use the first row of the file as the column names. Users could use either the traditional column number or the column name.
For instance if the code replacement file contained:
code hometown age weight height
34 Miami 21 100 5'9"
54 Boca Raton 20 98 5'7"
37 Delray Beach 19 130 5'2"
Then "\34#age\" or "\34#2\"would be replaced by "21"
For compatibility, specifying the code from the first line would get you the name of the column. "\code#2\" would be replaced by "age".
PM me if you need real world examples of how we would use this feature.