I recently had a a major system crash with resulted in the logic board of my Macbook Pro being replaced. Now PM 5 will not remember any preferences and when I enter info int the IPTC Stationary pad, close it, and then re-open it all of my info is gone. I have tried to reinstall PM5 but the problem persists. Any suggestions?
Have you run a Repair Permissions on your system with Apple's Disk Utility since you got your computer back from the repair shop?
Sounds to me like PM can't write to your account's Preferences folder. Photo Mechanic needs to be able to write to the following path:
/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic/
Note: Apple has decided to hide your Library folder so you won't be able to go to the above path directly. In the Finder choose the "Go to Folder" command on the "Go" menu. Enter:
Then you can check the permissions on each part of the path (use "Get Info" from the "File" menu) and make sure you can read and write to the above path.
I would first try the Disk Utility and if that doesn't fix it, manually check and adjust the permissions on each folder along the "/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/com.camerabits.PhotoMechanic/" path.