Okay, that's possible, I noticed I was having issues in Lightroom with a plugin I was trying the other day. I didn't like the plugin, PM is more user friendly especially when uploads fail.
Okay, I'll email them. It shouldn't be my connection to the internet, unless something freaky is happening in the router that frazzles uploads somehow, but it's a solid 30 down and 2 up cable line normally.
I know it looks like it's outside your responsibility but from a more knowledgeable-about-Ruby man to a lesser one, are there any other things I might look for in system reports or the Console that could identify if it's my end or theirs?
EDIT: Just noticed I happen to have a Backblaze backup running as well - actually that's something that can happen any time, and right now it's uploading the JPGs I just created in LR which I'm using PM to send to PS...

So that's a lot of uploading. Perhaps that was screwing with the PS connection. I've turned it off for an hour to see what happens...