Author Topic: Date from stationery pad  (Read 3906 times)

Offline CBFreeborn

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Date from stationery pad
« on: December 10, 2006, 10:55:51 PM »
When I use the "Option" key on my Mac OS X system to copy IPTC information entered for an image to the stationery pad, and I then apply the stationery pad to another image file, the date doesn't get transferred. Is this expected behavior? [I'm using the stationery pad for groups of image files that have been scanned, and so I'm entering an arbitrary date as opposed to the date originating from camera EXIF data.]

Thanks// Chris

Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Date from stationery pad
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2006, 11:34:30 AM »

When I use the "Option" key on my Mac OS X system to copy IPTC information entered for an image to the stationery pad, and I then apply the stationery pad to another image file, the date doesn't get transferred. Is this expected behavior? [I'm using the stationery pad for groups of image files that have been scanned, and so I'm entering an arbitrary date as opposed to the date originating from camera EXIF data.]

This is by design and is expected behavior.  If you want to apply a specific date, open the IPTC Stationery Pad, update the date, set the apply checkbox, and then apply from within the IPTC Stationery Pad.
