Author Topic: Using LR4 as editor of RAW images and then bringing them back into PM5 with edit  (Read 3316 times)

Offline zbolinger

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Here is the issue I am having.  I am using PM5 to ingest and sort the images.  I want to edit the "good" images in LR4 as I am more familiar with it as opposed to camera raw.  I changed the edit app to LR without any issues.  I have made all my edits in LR and want to put them in a new folder for PM5 so that I can caption and FTP out.  When i export in LR I export Original file as i still want them RAW i don't want them as jpegs yet.  But when i open the folder in PM none of the RAW changes I made in LR are "with" the file.  They look the sam, not cropping or adjustments are there.  The files do have xmp sidecar files and in LR i have write chages to xmp selected but it will not work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Kirk Baker

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Here is the issue I am having.  I am using PM5 to ingest and sort the images.  I want to edit the "good" images in LR4 as I am more familiar with it as opposed to camera raw.  I changed the edit app to LR without any issues.  I have made all my edits in LR and want to put them in a new folder for PM5 so that I can caption and FTP out.  When i export in LR I export Original file as i still want them RAW i don't want them as jpegs yet.  But when i open the folder in PM none of the RAW changes I made in LR are "with" the file.  They look the sam, not cropping or adjustments are there.  The files do have xmp sidecar files and in LR i have write chages to xmp selected but it will not work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Photo Mechanic cannot render your RAW files the way Lightroom does.  Adobe would have to give us the source code (or a code library) for their proprietary rendering engine.  And then if PM were to use it, PM would render images just as slow as Lightroom.

If you want a RAW format that PM can work with and see your adjustments, then use the DNG format and force LR to update the DNG's embedded preview.  PM will use the updated preview and you'll see your adjustments.
