Author Topic: Printing contact sheets  (Read 4477 times)

Offline jimb

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Printing contact sheets
« on: December 14, 2006, 06:18:32 AM »
I searched the forums and read the manual, but can't find anything regarding these points related to printing contact sheets:

I would like to add some spacing between the header and the top of the first row of thumbnails. Adding the {nl} variable at the end of the header text doesn't do it. How do I do that?

There doesn't appear to be any way to control the font size of the header, footer, or the captions. How do I do that?

I'm running PM on a Win XP MCE system. The printer is a Canon i9900.


Offline Kirk Baker

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Re: Printing contact sheets
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 07:11:59 AM »
I searched the forums and read the manual, but can't find anything regarding these points related to printing contact sheets:

I would like to add some spacing between the header and the top of the first row of thumbnails. Adding the {nl} variable at the end of the header text doesn't do it. How do I do that?

There doesn't appear to be any way to control the font size of the header, footer, or the captions. How do I do that?

I'm running PM on a Win XP MCE system. The printer is a Canon i9900.

There are no controls currently available to do what you are wanting to do.  The only control over the caption text is how many lines of text you want to reserve for the labels.  The size of the text is then adjusted to fit inside the box defined by the number of lines you reserved.

Making the Contact Sheet printing more flexible is on my list of things to do.
