We are trying to send a picture by FTP, and at the same time Save a copy to another location.
That works when we sav it to a folder on the Windows machine where PhotoMechanic v 5.0 is running or a folder on a mapped drive. We are having difficulties in saving the pictures onto the root of a networked drive?
We can drag and drop a picture into the same location, but we cannot persude PM to save it there.
The error message that come back say that: Unable to upload because: "Save a copy of transmitted photos" is checked, but the specified directory: "U:\" cannot be found. Please choose a save directory, or change the "Save a copy ..." options.
However it will work with on a Mac with OSX Mavericks and 4.6.9.
Is there anything that we might be doing wrong on Windows.
Many thanks for your help?