I would like to add to this topic based on my original usage of iView Media Pro and its descendants. I had used it for a number of years as my only catalogue program but as I added more and more digital images it became unstable when a catalogue got bigger than about 2GB. Because it is a catalogue it may not be relevant to PM which is obviously a browser based program.
One of the great advantages of iView/Media Pro was its ability to accept names or people "on the go". That is you could type the name in, surname first, and if it was on the database the characters would be recognised and the name would come up whether it was 3, 10 or 20 characters typed before it was recognised. Also, just adding a new name would put it permanently on the database of names.
Code replacement is alright for a football match where there are 22 players and the code can be set up before the match but not suitable when you go to an event that has 600 competitors from more than 100 countries over a week or a weekend. In the case of the iView method all the names that have been added over the years are always on the database and it is consistently growing event by event as new competitors move into the sport.
When I was at the London Olympics I briefly met PM's Dennis Walker and gave him my old Media Pro list of competitors and suggested to him that it was an approach worth looking at for PM.
PM's "Persons Shown" field is similar in function but you have to physically type names into the Edit drop down before they are workable. In iView you type it in and it is permanently there for the future. However, if you spell the name wrong you have 2 versions so the database always needs to be cleaned fairly regularly.
Currently with PM I use the Autocomplete function in the Caption field with the iView/Media Pro database as the Text file. It brings the old names up immediately and does still work.
If there was a way of similarly adding names automatically to the Persons Shown field by typing them in with the names being recognised in an "autocomplete" fashion and where needed separating them with a semi-colon then that would be ideal.