Sometimes but not always. Ours is a news images workflow where I'm working on folders of images that all go with a certain story, but sometimes they come from various sources and require different appends and prefixes to the caption, and therefore I may need to use 2 or 3 of my templates on different imgages within a single folder of photos. With the load button I can do that on the fly, so to speak, without having to close the iptc field, go to pad, load a different template, reopen the field, etc. Ufortunately it looks like the new append/prefix feature is lost when using load to bring in a template while in in an images' iptc field.
I also wish it was possible, when one has multiple contact sheets open from different folders of images, to also have multiple iptc fields open for each contact sheet. Was hoping that would come with PM5, but alas, seems not so, unless I'm just not seeing how to do it. I need to compare/fact check info in the iptc field from images in different folders sometimes, and I see no way to do that.