Author Topic: Locked files will not ingest  (Read 6797 times)

Offline Rudyh

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Locked files will not ingest
« on: October 15, 2014, 08:44:35 AM »
I am running Photo Mechanic version 5 build 15800 and I run Mac OS X 10.9.5 on my Intel-based Mac.

Photos that I have locked in my Nikon D4s are not shown as tagged after ingest into Photo Mechanic.  I've tried the various settings in PM.  Thanks

Offline Mick O (Camera Bits)

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2014, 09:52:12 AM »
Hi Rudyh,

I have heard of this before and it seemed to be related to the order in which the D4s writes to the multiple cards. 

From this thread:

"D4 was making the XQD the primary card. The primary card gets the image protection/lock/tag, but not the secondary. So once I went into the Shooting Menu and made the CF slot the primary card, my tags carried over into Photo Mechanic. Problem solved."

I hope this helps you.

Mick O
Camera Bits

Offline Rudyh

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2014, 06:19:48 PM »
So, why doesn't PM read the tagged files on the XQD?  Why do I need to change my write configuration in the camera. Seems like PM would support a $6500.00 camera.  Is there a fix where I can read the tagged/protected files on the XQD?

Online Kirk Baker

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2014, 08:33:15 PM »
So, why doesn't PM read the tagged files on the XQD?  Why do I need to change my write configuration in the camera. Seems like PM would support a $6500.00 camera.  Is there a fix where I can read the tagged/protected files on the XQD?

We certainly support your camera and many less expensive cameras.

If you view the files you're trying to Ingest with the Finder, are they locked if you Get Info on them?  If not, then PM isn't going to see them as locked either.  From the other thread, if you use a CF card and tell the camera that the CF card is the primary card, then the images you lock will be locked on the CF card.  Then all apps including the Finder and PM will see them as locked.

« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 06:47:04 AM by Kirk Baker »

Offline Rudyh

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2014, 03:10:05 PM »
Okay, I figured it out and in very few words here is the outcome.  I have both the Nikon D4 and D4s.  Tagged/locked images on the card designated as the "primary" WILL NOT ingest into PM.  It makes no difference if the card is XQD or CF.  Therefore, if the XQD card has been designated as primary, the tagged images will ingest only from the secondary card which in this example is the CF card.  If the CF card has been designated as primary then the tagged files can only be ingested from the XQD card which is the secondary card.  The only other consideration that must be made is for those who shoot RAW + JPEG.  I'm a RAW shooter therefore my camera is setup to write RAW files to the primary card and a BACKUP to the secondary card. Oh!  I forgot to mention that now the XQD card has been designated as the secondary/backup card because of faster read times into PM. I hope that this makes sense!

Online Kirk Baker

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2014, 04:03:47 PM »

The only other consideration that must be made is for those who shoot RAW + JPEG.  I'm a RAW shooter therefore my camera is setup to write RAW files to the primary card and a BACKUP to the secondary card. Oh!  I forgot to mention that now the XQD card has been designated as the secondary/backup card because of faster read times into PM. I hope that this makes sense!

What do RAW+JPEG shooters need to do or is there no solution for them?

I take it that you get NEFs on both cards, but only the NEFs on the secondary card (regardless of card type) are locked when viewed with the Finder?



Offline Rudyh

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2014, 08:51:27 AM »
Great question!  The camera can be set to RAW+JPEG.  This setting will result in both a RAW and JPEG file written simultaneous to both cards (if the secondary is designated as a backup).  You must ingest your files from the secondary card if you want to see your tagged/locked images. The tagged/Locked will not show if you ingest from the primary card.  Both RAW and JPEG images ingested from the card designated as secondary will show your tags.  Of course you can tell PM to ingest only RAW, non RAW or both.  Hope this helps.  PM is a great product and makes my editing life so much easier.  Take care.

Rudy Hardy

Online Kirk Baker

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2014, 04:37:49 PM »

Great question!  The camera can be set to RAW+JPEG.  This setting will result in both a RAW and JPEG file written simultaneous to both cards (if the secondary is designated as a backup).  You must ingest your files from the secondary card if you want to see your tagged/locked images. The tagged/Locked will not show if you ingest from the primary card.  Both RAW and JPEG images ingested from the card designated as secondary will show your tags.  Of course you can tell PM to ingest only RAW, non RAW or both.  Hope this helps.  PM is a great product and makes my editing life so much easier.  Take care.

Thank you for following up.  We'll use this thread as the definitive answer for the question: "Why doesn't Ingest see my locked files as locked when shooting with a Nikon D4/D4s?"


Offline Rudyh

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Re: Locked files will not ingest
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2014, 02:49:13 PM »
Another revelation!  If your primary card is set as the XQD and the secondary slot (CF) is set as an "Overflow" then the tagged images will show up on the XQD and vice versa if the primary card is set as the CF.