Author Topic: Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Build 16268  (Read 10645 times)

Offline Kirk Baker

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Photo Mechanic: Version 5 Build 16268
« on: January 29, 2015, 03:02:05 PM »
Hello Everyone,

We have a new updated build that solves a number of issues present in the 15800 build and adds some new features.  Please see below for release notes.



Version 5.0 Build 16268


• Nudging crops on rotated images now works as expected.
• Improved recognition of cropped previews in DNG files created by Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter so that the crop is not drawn on the already cropped preview.
• Photo Mechanic no longer writes the GMT delta for time values unless the offset is provided by the camera.
• The XMP field for photoshop:DateCreated now preserves sub seconds and GMT delta time zone when possible, and does not write out a GMT delta if it is unknown.
• Added {lock} variable to detect whether a photo is locked in the file system. This is useful during ingest, in combination with code replacements, to customize metadata for locked files.
• Copying Getty Images fields and pasting them to other images now works properly.
• Photo Mechanic now properly parses newer version 4 Sigma X3F raw files.
• The {printsize} and {printsizecms} variables now report size in “cm” not “cms”.
• Embedded ICC profiles that append extra data beyond the ICC profile are now recognized by PM.
• Added improved support for the Canon EOS 7D Mk II and 1200D (aka Digital Rebel T5).
• Fixed a problem where code replacements were not being performed when applying tag, rating, or color class with the IPTC Stationery Pad using the Eval option.
• Slide Show text labels are now re-drawn when tag, rating, or color class is changed via keyboard.
• Advancing manually through a Slide Show with the keyboard with Loop mode turned off now shows the last image in the selected set.
• Changed number key handling to toggle the sense of the single key shortcut preference (Rating/Color Class) when the Ctrl key is held down in the Slide Show.
• Live Ingest file naming now supports Code Replacement both in interactive mode and in deferred mode.
• Rescan of open contact sheets now reacts to changes to XMP sidecar files made external to Photo Mechanic.
• Sort Cache now considers the size and modification date of XMP sidecar files for validation of Sort Cache entries. This will make the Sort Cache drop entries from its cache when XMP sidecar files are modified outside of PM (or when PM isn’t running) which will make certain sorting and filtering operations more accurate.
• Removed much of the delay that occurs when bringing up the IPTC Info dialog for the first time on a given Contact Sheet.
• User-supplied background images in the PM Classic Exporter template now reference the background image properly.
• RAW+JPEG pairing now prefers pairing non-DNG RAW files with JPEGs before pairing DNG RAW files with JPEGs.
• Added a Twitter uploader.
• Added a Retouchup uploader.
• Added a 500px uploader written by forums member Hayo Baan (
• Added variables for modification time and date.
• Added improved support for the Olympus E-PL7 and E-PL6 cameras.
• Logging file sizes are now managed to preserve recent entries, but not allow runaway log file sizes.
• Optimized folder rescanning and added the ability to control what file associations should be searched. The following flags can be added to a text file named PMDebug.txt which should be placed in Photo Mechanic’s preferences folder:
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_THM (THM files are used with the CRW RAW format. If you don’t have CRW files then you can safely enable ignoring this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_LZN (LZN files are for the open source RAW editor Lightzone. If you don’t use Lightzone, then you can safely enable ignoring this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_FLT (FLT files are for the QImage printing application. If you don’t use QImage, then you can safely enable ignoring this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_BIB (BIB files are used by the Bibble RAW editor application. If you don’t use Bibble, then you can safely enable ignoring this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_RDSF (RDSF files are used by the RAW Developer application. If you don’t use this now extinct application, you can safely ignore this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_NKS (NKS files are used by Nikon Capture NX-D. If you don’t use this application, you can safely ignore this extension.)
   IGNORE_EXTENSION_XIP (XIP files were generated by older versions of Photo Mechanic prior to the existence of XMP sidecar files. Unless you’re browsing folders that were edited by a much older version of Photo Mechanic, you can safely ignore this extension.)

   Ignoring these extensions will significantly reduce the amount of network traffic utilized by Photo Mechanic when browsing a network drive. If you want to ignore any of the above extensions, simply place them, one per line, in your PMDebug.txt file followed by ON, YES, or 1. Restart PM and those extensions set to be ignored will now be ignored and will no longer be associated with your files if they exist. This means that if you rename/move/copy an item, the ignored files will not be processed in the operation and will not be renamed/moved/copied.
• DNS resolver now recovers gracefully if hosts file is not found.


• Scrolling Contact Sheet, Preview thumbstrip, and panning in zoomed Previews with devices that don’t support high resolution scroll wheel values now work, albeit with lower resolution scroll movement.
• Added a new ‘Reveal in Finder’ sub-menu on the Contact Sheet tab contextual menu. This sub-menu will show the path(s) being browsed and if a path is chosen, a Finder window will come forward with the path selected.
• HTTP-based uploaders like Photoshelter, Flickr, Zenfolio, etc. now use the HTTP proxy server setting from the Proxies section of the Advanced options in the System Preference’s Network panel.
• Fixed a problem with color management caching on Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) where the OS suddenly (and for short periods of time) makes displays unavailable (waking, switching between user accounts.)


• Replaced usage of various Windows XP/2000 file/folder open and save dialogs with modern equivalents. They’re easier to use and look much more like Windows Explorer open/save dialogs, and they should be more stable as well.
• Added a new ‘Show in Windows Explorer’ sub-menu on the Contact Sheet tab contextual menu. This sub-menu will show the path(s) being browsed and if a path is chosen, a Windows Explorer window will come forward with the path selected.
• Fixed a problem with maintaining the path to the last contact sheet that was opened/reused.
• Contextual menus now work much better with touch screen gestures. Contextual menus now respond to two finger taps and tab and hold. Once opened, the contextual menu items can be chosen by touch.
• Added HTTP proxy settings for activation and HTTP-based uploaders like Photoshelter, Flickr, Zenfolio, etc. You can set your HTTP proxy server in the Files section of the Preferences dialog.
• Added a workaround for a bug in Windows 8.1 64-bit systems that was preventing Photo Mechanic from sending photos to some 64-bit applications, in particular, Adobe Photoshop CC 2014.
• Added support for High DPI displays. Layouts are much improved in general, though there are still user interface elements (radio buttons, checkboxes, sliders, etc.) that are incorrectly sized.